We realized our project named Digital immigrants' battle for survival with reference number 2022-1-SK02-KA153-YOU-000053679. Our project, which was held in Kasuca, Slovakia, between 11.01.2023-19.01.2023, lasted 8 days in total. 49 participants took part in the project in which 6 countries Slovakia, Turkey, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Portugal participated. In the project, which was arranged to have 8 people from each country, importance was given to gender equality.
The subject of our project is digital immigrants and digital natives, two concepts that have emerged as technology has shaped the new world. Various differences and distinctions are made between these concepts due to age, period or generation differences.
Digital natives use technology "in five different contexts: personal interest or entertainment, social communication, daily use (such as storing or accessing information, looking up train tickets...), professional work and university/study work". With these characteristics, digital natives are said to be more inclined to learn in online environments, but the only commonality between them is that they are part of the digital payoff.
In the context of these two concepts, in our project, we have provided information about how technology creates a formation, and we have also created many activities to convey the subject in more detail.
The aim of our project is to understand these two concepts in detail and to be alert to the benefits of technology and to be aware that there are negative discriminations as well as positive aspects.